June 1st
June probably deserves a whole page, but probably not this June first. It seems like November. The sky is just a shield of grey, disguising the mountains in the distance. Today consisted of a bruised head, a visit to the grocery with buying anything, and conversations revolving around other people’s relationships. This is an usual part of my life. I’m in a “youth group” setting with meals at certain times, group activities, and discussions. But it isn’t that way in other instances. It is not a youth group because, well, not everyone is between the ages of 15 and 20. It’s more like everyone is between the ages of 18-40. We’re all searching for different things. Some claim not to be searching for anything, but I think everyone is searching for meaning. Some are searching for meaning. Some are searching for meaning in truth. Others are searching for meaning in spirituality. It’s also a strange place for me because I am not working, nor am I in school. I don’t have to worry about these things right now since I am here at this point in my life to gain a better understanding of the word and my relationship to God through Christ, with the help of the holy spirit.
While I hear cars speed past the chalet and conversations flow through the old wood walls, I attempt to gather my thoughts. In the morning I was unsure about what would happen on our day off. I asked Kristen if she wanted to go to Montreux and Valerie also wanted to go. We hitched from Huemoz to Ollon, then the day became interesting. We were walking and I decided to walk in front because my “male” ego was feeling small for being behind two women. Now before you say, “Oh he’s such a sexist or he’s such a shovenist,” hear me out, please. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s difficult for me sometimes to be led by a woman. I don’t think it has anything to do with my upbringing, but I guess it would be stupid to say that none of it has to do with my upbringring. [ I think maybe some of my desire to be in front was about a innate role of being some sort of protector] Anyway, I was walking on a narrow part of the road and what seemed like out of no where the corner of a thick highway sign hit me on the top of my head. Now I’m not saying that because I wanted to walk in front is the reason I was hit. Simply put, like many times before, I was thinking of too many things at once and I wasn’t paying attention. Blood did appear and Val and Kristen gave their best “are you o.k.?” to express their sympathy or annoyance. I’m sure it was mostly sympathy. We got a ride to Aigle which was nice.
The train ride to Montreux was fast, but when we got there it (it’s a lake town) was cloudy and overcast. It changed the mood and we just sort of walked around to the shops. We found an indoor mall just across the Statue of Freddie Mercury. In the mall I found a WC and attempted to examine my head wound. The tingling had gone away but I noticed that there was a definite gash. The people in the – I paused for a moment to lip synch to “satisfaction,” by the Stones. The people in the mall smoked which looked strange. Kristen bought me a kinder chocolat which is this chocolate shell egg with a toy inside. It’s very cool and apparently in the U.S. they don’t carry them because you’re not supposed to have an unedible object inside of an edible one. So after the mall we walked around some more and then went into a pharmacy. By the way the parmacy in the malol had an “antiseptic” which I bought which “stops bleeding.” I’ll come back to that. At the second pharmacy I bought some cologne. We walked back and then decided to go eat somewhere. We tested out the toy, which was this catipult thing. It was funny. Then we bought some train tickets and I had to borrow some cash from Kristen for the train tickets. The teller next to me looked like a character on Eon Flux. She had a small mouth with high cheekbones and a narrow neck.
When I got back I decide to use the “antiseptic” which turned out to be a small bottle of COTTON BALLS! I was mad, my gut told me when I bought it that it wasn’t the right thing. Thursdays are leftover days. It was alright. Afterwords I bummed a cigarette off of Steffi. It was a brand which I hadn’t had before and I think it made me a little sick.
You should be here at night when we go to bed my roommates and I are just lettin’ em’ go (farts). My roommate across from me had this really violent one the other day. It’s also funny when you get the rapid fire ones.
Our diet rarely lacked in vegetables, fiber, bread and oh yeah, more bread.