Thursday, August 10, 2006


May 27th

Formal discussions were sometimes difficult and usually frustrating. I had to get away and clear my mind after one lunch in particular. I promptly made my way up the stone steps to the empty pool and wrote.

Maybe the Beatles were right when they said, “imagine there’s no heaven, above us only sky.” But then again would I want that kind of world? [It would have] no meaning to anything and everything. If we knew all the answers and didn’t question anything would there be any purpose of existence or would we even exist? We had a formal lunch discussion revolving around the question, “How exclusive is Christianity and how can you say that only those who believe that only those who come to the father go through Christ first? Why can’t all roads lead to heaven? Why do we have to make so much of Christianity about heaven and hell? Why do other believers have to focus on the negative aspects and hypocrisy of the church? I am constantly coming back to the question of Why? I am convinced that I will never by myself be able to get rid of the stuff I’ve done in the past or will do in the future. Without the power and belief of God’s son, Jesus Christ who took on my sins and the sins of the world. It’s through that admission that I am a child of God. God acknowledges me because of Christ and through Christ I am accepted by God the father. The holy Spirit is here to help and compel me to make the right decisions, even if I don’t always make the right ones.

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