Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Hike

May 19

Alright, yesterday was much the adventure. Several of us went up to a peak and climbed death hill. We brought our lunches and ate on the top of it. (Death hill is appropriately named) The incline is incredible (think 35 degrees) and stones with moss liter the trail. I need to finish my quiet time, more on yesterday later.

That particular day has a comfortable place in my memory and it was basically throwing myself into his creation in the best possible. The day’s weather was questionable and right as we were finishing our lunches the clouds rolled over the hills just past the one that we were on. It was thrilling to say the least then we said, “uh, o.k. now let’s get out of here before it starts pouring the rain.” The phrase is kinda the same in memphis as it is in humeoz, “If you don’t like the weather wait five minutes.” That was the case on that day. When we found some shelter at a shackporch nearby it poured the rain and then on our way back it cleared up and it became sunny again.

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