Monday, January 14, 2008

this monday

Hello Reader! Did you have a good day? Did the sun shine on you or did the rain fall on you? I hope either happened, because whatever happens, God is in control. In many ways that seems like a harsh statement but in other ways it is so completely comforting, to know that it will work out (either now, tommorow, or at the end of time).
The attempt at making fried cheddar cheese allowed my brain to move in typically unconventional ways. Going back to the end of last night for a moment, I felt drained. My friend and I helped out with the hosting for mom's surprise party. We went through probably four coffee presses. The night lingered longer than I expected, but the whole shibang was worth it. I remembered that I need to be into work early tommorow (boo). It'll work out, especially if it goes by as fast as today.

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